Thursday, September 9, 2010

Gatorade Replay

I'm sure most of you have seen this Gatorade 'Replay' video, but I hadn't until last Tuesday night in my media planning class. Check it out, it's really inspirational, both for its content and from an advertising perspective.

In our media planning class, we've obviously been talking about different ways to use the media, or certain mediums, to get your message out. This particular 'Replay' campaign, wasn't your typical 30 sec TV spot, nor an everyday print ad. TBWA/Chiat/Day L.A. created this concept for Gatorade of bringing these two high school football teams together for an epic match. Instead of telling the public why Gatorade is beneficial, they showed them. They took these two teams full of men who haven't played football for 15 or so years and put them through a 3 week training program. The Gatorade was provided to enhance their performance and replenish their fluids.

This game was sold out in 90 mins (10,000 tickets), like the video said, and thousands more watched online or on TV. The event was so huge that they have done 2 more seasons since. You can't buy publicity or success like that. Genius.

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